Cassiterite Specifications
Cassiterite traded on the international market normally contains a minimum of 65% - 75% Sn. Lower-grade material, below 60% Sn, is also traded, but at a discount. Cassiterite is bought and sold based on the percentage of Sn the material contains.
Cassiterite Valuation
The value of a load of cassiterite is calculated based on the amount of Sn the load contains, not the gross weight of the load. To obtain the amount of Sn in the load, simply multiply the gross weight of the material weight by the Sn % in the load.
Example: 10,000kg of material x 60% Sn = 6,000kg of contained Sn
The price point for a load of cassiterite is calculated as a % of the LME (London Metal Exchange) current price. Unprocessed ore typically trades at a discount of 20% - 30% of the LME spot price. Below is a hypothetical example of a 10mt load of cassiterite that contains 60% Sn with the current LME spot price of Tin at $25,000/mt. The purchase price will be a 20% discount on the LME spot price.
10,000kg x 60% = 6,000kg (6mt) Sn (total amount of Sn)
$25,000 x 80% = $20,000/mt (purchase price)
$20,000 x 6mt = $120,000
Contact us today:
To obtain pricing for your cassiterite materials, please send current analysis, photos, quantities, location information to comercial@tancominerals.com.